Last 11th of February, to celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, Women of IBMI collaborated with CERFA (Society of Spanish Scientists in Germany) to host an in-person and successful #IamRemarkable workshop.
Our facilitator, Noelia González Vila guided us during two intense hours throughout very interesting topics such as self-promotion, gender gap and individual potential. In addition, we had the chance to take part in group discussions and do exercises to develop our confidence and skills with the aim of promoting ourselves effectively.
#IamRemarkable is a Google initiative empowering women and underrepresented groups to speak openly about their accomplishments in the workplace and beyond, thereby breaking modesty norms and glass ceilings. Learn more at
We want to thank you all for your participation; thanks, Noelia, for such a great workshop and thank you CERFA Bayern for an amazing collaboration.
Please keep an eye out on for further events, we are looking forward to seeing you soon again!